External Scholarship Directory
Akash Kuruvillia Memorial Scholarship
Amount: $1,000
Refer to the website for the eligibility requirement: High school student. College student. Adult student
Deadline: June 29
Alpha Kappa Alpha Financial Need Scholar
Amount: Varies
Refer to the website for the eligibility requirement: college student. Graduate School student. Adult student
Deadline: April 15 and August 15
Alphonso Deal Scholarship Award
Amount: Varies
Refer to the website for the eligibility requirement: High school student.
Deadline: May 15
American Darts Organization Memorial Scholarship
Amount: $500—$1,500
Refer to the website for the eligibility requirement: High School students. College student
Deadline: Varies
American Fire Sprinkler Association High School Senior Scholarship Contest
Amount: $2,000
Refer to the website for the eligibility requirement: High School students
Deadline: April 2
American Legion Baseball Scholarship
Amount: $500—$5,000
Refer to the website for the eligibility requirement: High School students
Deadline: July 15
American Legion Junior Air Rifle National Championship Scholarship
Amount: $2,500
Refer to the website for the eligibility requirement: Junior High student or younger. High School students
Deadline: Varies
American Legion Legacy Scholarships
Amount: Varies
Refer to the website for the eligibility requirement: college student. High School student. Adult student
Deadline: April 15
American Police Hall of Fame Educational Scholarship Fund
Amount: $1,500
Refer to the website for the eligibility requirement: college student. High school student. Adult student
Deadline: Varies
Burger King Scholars Program
Amount: $1,000—$25,000
Refer to the website for the eligibility requirement: High school students.
Deadline: January 10
C.I.P Scholarship
Amount: $1,500
Refer to the website for the eligibility requirement: college student. High school student. Adult student
Deadline: May 31, August 31 and December 31.
Carson Scholarship
Amount: $5,000
Refer to the website for the eligibility requirement: college student. High school student
Deadline: March 1.
Century Quote Scholarship
Amount: $1,000
Refer to the website for the eligibility requirement: college student. high school student. Adult student
Deadline: December 18.
Challenge Scholarship
Amount: $1,500
Refer to the website for the eligibility requirement: college student. Graduate school student. Adult student
Deadline: March 15.
Charles Shafaé Scholarship
Amount: $500
Refer to the website for the eligibility requirement: college student. Adult student
Deadline: May 1.
Chick Evans Caddie Scholarship
Amount: Varies
Refer to the website for the eligibility requirement: High school student.
Deadline: September
Chief Petty Officer Scholarship Fund
Amount: Varies
Refer to the website for the eligibility requirement: college student. High school student. Adult student
Deadline: April 1.
CAI Undergraduate Scholarship Program
Amount: $ Annual salary including benefits and up to $18,000 for tuition
Refer to the website for the eligibility requirement: college student. High school student. Adult student
Deadline: October.
CKSF Scholarships
Amount: $250—$2,500
Refer to the website for the eligibility requirement: college student. High school student. Adult student. Graduate school student
Deadline: Monthly
Army Nurse Corp Association Scholarships
Amount: $3,000
Refer to the website for the eligibility requirement: college student. High school student. Adult student.
Deadline: March 31
Army College Fund
Website: www.hrc.army.mil
Amount: Varies
Refer to the website for the eligibility requirement: college student. High school student. Adult student.
Deadline: Varies
Army ROTC Advanced Course
Amount: Varies
Refer to the website for the eligibility requirement: college student. Adult student.
Deadline: Varies
Army ROTC Four-year Scholarship Program
Amount: Varies
Refer to the website for the eligibility requirement: college student. High school student. Adult student.
Deadline: Varies
Arnold Sobel Endowment Fund Scholarship
Amount: $5,000
Refer to the website for the eligibility requirement: college student. High school student. Adult student.
Deadline: March 15
AWSEF Scholarship
Amount: Varies
Refer to the website for the eligibility requirement: college student. Adult student.
Deadline: Varies
AXA Achievement Scholarships
Amount: $10,000—$25,000
Refer to the website for the eligibility requirement: High school student.
Deadline: December 15
Babe Ruth League Scholarships
Amount: $1,000
Refer to the website for the eligibility requirement: High school student.
Deadline: July 1
Better Chance Scholarship
Amount: $750—$1,000
Refer to the website for the eligibility requirement: college student. High school student. Adult student.
Deadline: June 30
Big Dig Scholarship
Amount: $3,000
Refer to the website for the eligibility requirement: college student. High school student. Adult student.
Deadline: June 1
Billy Welu Scholarship
Refer to the website for the eligibility requirement: college student. High school student. Adult student.
Deadline: June 1
Blogging Scholarship
Amount: $1,000
Refer to the website for the eligibility requirement: college student. Adult student.
Deadline: November 13
Bob Warnicke Scholarship
Amount: $27,000
Refer to the website for the eligibility requirement: college student. High school student. Adult student. Graduate student
Bonner Scholars Program
Amount: Varies
Refer to the website for the eligibility requirement: High school student.
Deadline: Varies
Brandes Scholarship
Amount: $1,000
Refer to the website for the eligibility requirement: college student. High school student. Adult student.
Deadline: Varies
ROTC Scholarship
Amount: Varies
Refer to the website for the eligibility requirement: college student. High school student. Adult student.
Deadline: Varies